Electric Kettle vs Induction Stove Kettle

An electric kettle and induction stoves are both run by electricity. They both use different principles of electricity to work. The induction stove uses the technology of inducing fields in metal for cooking, whereas an Electric Kettle uses a thermostat that is based on electric resistance to cook. Both are run by electricity and in many ways makes cooking easier. As both run on electricity and both can cook many things, a consumer who has to cook dishes which both can cook commonly. He is interested in knowing which one is better; so that he can purchase one. In this article, we have done a detailed comparison between an electric kettle and an Induction stove based on different determining factors.

Energy Consumption

For an electric device, energy consumption is an influencing factor. If one has to do the same work, he would like to go with the cheapest one. When we are talking about energy consumption, three aspects of energy consumption need to be touched. Efficiency, carbon footprint, and consumption. It seems like a more efficient one will definitely generate less carbon footprint and overall consumption. But it’s not true. Let’s find out why?

In terms of energy efficiency, an induction kettle is more efficient than an electric kettle. In an induction kettle, energy is transferred directly through induction waves in the kettle. Therefore losses in the air and heating kettle get minimed. The induction kettle is 85% energy efficient, it means only 15% of energy is wasted. On the other hand, an electric kettle is 80% energy efficient. No doubt both are very efficient, but despite having a close system electric kettle waste 20% consumed energy in heating the thermostat and kettle. Hence in this comparison induction kettle wins.

However, the carbon footprint is not determined over how efficient devices work. It is determined by how much electricity one really consumes. Energy consumption by an electrical appliance depends upon its power rating which is given in ‘Watt’. An electrical kettle normally ranges below the power rating, from where the induction kettle power rating begins. Therefore induction kettle consumes more power than an electric kettle. If in any condition both have the same power rating, then the energy consumption will be reversed, because an induction kettle boils water more efficiently on any given power than an electric kettle.

Best Induction Electric Kettles

If you want to see what are the best induction electric kettles than check this article that has a top with the best ones on the market.

The carbon footprint is directly proportional to the power consumption, therefore induction kettle will emit more carbon footprint than the electric kettle generally.

Range of Utility

The range of utility here means how both electrical types of equipment can be used by consumers. Both of the equipment are related to food, therefore comparison for a range of utility could be done based on food items they can prepare. The induction kettle and the electric kettle will do the same things as boiling water, boiling eggs, making hot beverages like tea, coffee, saffron milk, chocolate milk, making noodles, etc. A multipurpose electric kettle can do even more like boiling rice, cooking vegetables, chicken curry, etc. These things can be cooked in an induction kettle as well.

But on an induction cooktop, you can do everything an electric kettle can do by using an induction kettle. However, you can do many other extra things on the Induction cooktop, which you can never do in an electric kettle. Like deep frying, making a biryani, etc. The induction cooktop is like a stove, which can cook many things in different pots. On the other hand, an electric kettle is a kettle first, and you can only do such things which you can do using a kettle.

User Convenience

The convenience of the user is related to the feeling of comfort and ease for a user in using this equipment. For example, traveling a thousand kilometers by plane is considered more convenient than traveling by train. It saves passengers from the hassle and saves time and effort. Similarly, we will compare these two pieces of equipment on the scale of user convenience.

For operating an electric kettle, one just needs it to plugin with a socket and it starts working. Whereas for using an induction kettle, firstly you have to plug in the induction cooktop and after that, you have to place the kettle over it. Electrical kettles are therefore less complex than induction kettle in starting.

In making soup or boiling water, nobody would like to use an induction stove if they have an electrical kettle. And some kettles even come with filters, that’s why one can directly pour tea into glasses. Doing small cooking tasks like these kettles are more convenient.

On the other hand, after making noodles or vegetable curry in an electric kettle. It becomes a hectic task to clean them. One may need wire brushes to clean properly. But an induction kettle doesn’t face those complications, on an induction cooktop one can choose the shape of pot for making different dishes considering convenience.

Therefore it concludes, for easy tasks like boiling water or tea or coffee, an electric kettle is more convenient. Whereas for complex tasks like making a meal or noodle or graby induction kettle proves to be more convenient.

Pros and Cons of Electric Kettle


  • Less energy consumption than any other means.
  • Portable and very easy to operate
  • It can boil water very quickly
  • It is convenient for booking water, tea, and coffee, etc.
  • It is safe, as it doesn’t use any exposed flame.
  • Multipurpose electric kettles can cook different foods, which includes boiling rice, etc.


  • It can cook a limited variety of food
  • It is less energy efficient
  • Cleaning becomes difficult after cooking noodles in it.
  • Auto cut off feature is required for better working.

Pros and Cons of Induction Kettle


  • It can cook a number of items.
  • It is more energy-efficient than any other means of electrical cooking.
  • It is safe, as it doesn’t emit any exposed flame.
  • Very easy to clean the induction cooktop as well as a kettle.


  • Auto cut off feature is essential
  • Less mobile than the electrical kettle
  • It consumes more power than an electrical kettle

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