The Best Way to Boil Water- Electric Kettle or Microwave

The Best Way to Boil Water: Electric Kettle or Microwave?

Many processes go on in the kitchen to make all our delicious meals and tasty drinks. Unfortunately, doing all of those by yourself can be pretty tedious. Thankfully, innovative appliances like electric kettles and microwaves have been manufactured to make activities much more manageable.

An electric kettle is a significant step up from the days when water had to be boiled over a fireplace or cookers. Electric kettles reduce energy costs and allow you to boil water a lot faster, and it is also a safe gadget to have in any kitchen. They are ideal for making noodles, tea, coffee, and everything in between.

Similarly, microwaves are must-haves in modern homes because of the convenience of multiple reheating abilities. For example, you can warm up a plate or a cup of coffee whenever you want. Although they are more cumbersome than the average electric kettle, it is understandable because of their functionality.

While both appliances are essential for many homes and offices, there is usually some debate about them. Which is more efficient? Which is more powerful? Which should you have in your kitchen instead of the other? If you have these kinds of questions, you’ve come to the right place.

This article explores the electric kettle vs. microwave debate and provides clear answers to questions about which you may have been racking your head. So, please stick with us!

Electric Kettle vs. Microwave: Which is More Efficient?

It is pretty tricky to decide if a microwave is more efficient than an electric kettle and vice versa. One main reason for this is that they were designed for entirely different reasons. For example, you can use a microwave for reheating, boiling, melting, and searing. On the other hand, an electric kettle can only boil water.

So, a microwave or an electric kettle’s efficiency depends on what you intend to use it for. That means, for example, a microwave is a perfect option for reheating meals, while an electric kettle can’t help you out.

Furthermore, an electric kettle is better than a microwave in terms of power consumption. This is because microwaves require a lot of power for every heating cycle. This is typically slower than an electric kettle. For example, a microwave may take minutes to boil a cup of water, while an electric kettle will get it done in seconds.


There are different sizes of electric kettles. Some hold a liter, while others, as much as 2.5 liters in the kettle. However, this is limited to just water. You cannot boil soups or other liquids in a kettle unless you want to damage it. So, depending on how much water you want to be able to boil, there are a variety of options available. The only drawback is you can only boil water.

On the other hand, Microwaves are pretty flexible. Most models share a similar design and capacity. For microwaves, what’s important is how much room you have for your bowls and containers. Also, the amount of food or water you can reheat, boil, or cook, depends on the size of the bowls you use.


Both microwaves and electric kettles are generally safe appliances. The best models are designed with safety features like timers, auto-shutoff, and dry-boil protection. However, some instances could be potentially dangerous when you’re using microwaves. For example, the heating effect from the machine can cause your stoneware or chinaware containers to explode. Additionally, while microwaves have timers that automatically shut them off, they could still superheat,  burn the food or vaporize liquids if they are already hot enough before the timer runs out.

What to Consider Before Choosing a Microwave

If you’ve decided to purchase a microwave, there are several factors that you may need to consider regardless of your personal preferences. Some of these factors include

Your Kitchen

It will help if you choose a microwave that fits perfectly into your kitchen. However, if you’re more concerned about matching aesthetics, you should buy one that fits the existing theme.

Also, you could consider the amount of space in your kitchen and how well the microwave will fit in without consuming too much space. If you have a small kitchen, you may need to reconsider buying a microwave to avoid keeping things on it because your space is limited.


It is true that microwaves with higher wattage cook food faster. However, while this is true, microwaves with over 1000-watts are typically more expensive than other types. Also, higher wattage means a higher electric bill. So, the perfect choice will be microwave with the correct wattage for fast heating and power-saving functions.

Preprogrammed Settings

Preprogrammed settings are excellent, especially if they include your personal preference. Unfortunately, although they are on most modern models, some people don’t pay attention to them or find them distracting.

Either way, you need to check if there are preset settings; and if there are, are they what you’re looking for? You need a microwave that provides settings that make you use minimal effort to get things done.

What to Consider Before Choosing an Electric Kettle

If an Electric Kettle is what you prefer, you’ll still need to consider a couple of factors before choosing. That way, you end up with a gadget you don’t regret spending money on. Some of the factors you should consider include:


There are different types of electric kettles on the market. They are made with various materials such as glass, ceramic, and stainless steel. These materials don’t just add an aesthetic appeal to the kettles, but they’re also essential for durability and strength.

The best electric kettles are made with stainless steel and ceramic. As a result, they last longer and retain heat longer than electric glass kettles. Also, the best options have double insulated walls for better heat retention.


Safety is paramount with electric kettles. It is best to choose an electric kettle that offers high safety standards and adequate safety features. The best electric kettles have automatic shut-off features and dry-boil protection. This means that the kettles turn off as soon as the contents boil, and they won’t start getting hot if the kettle is empty.

So, you don’t have to panic about forgetting that you left your kettle on or that an empty kettle could cause a fire. Apart from safety, these features also save you some energy.


It is crucial for you to choose a kettle with the suitable capacity you’re looking for. So that you don’t end up buying a small-sized kettle when you want to boil large batches of water. If that is the case, you will have to go through multiple boiling sessions to get the quantity you need. This is time and energy-consuming.

Final Verdict

Overall, the electric kettle and microwave are both practical and wonderful appliances. However, they serve different purposes. For example, an electric kettle is best for boiling instead of a microwave. Also, a microwave is handy for reheating food and other activities. Nonetheless, the electric kettle consumes less energy than the microwave, and it costs less. Ultimately, the decision is up to you. Once you consider what you want to do in your kitchen, it will be easier to decide if you need an electric kettle or microwave

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